Building Interactive Dashboards in for Data-Driven Decision Making

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building an interactive dashboard in that will help you make data-driven decisions!

The power of data cannot be underestimated, especially in today's data-driven world. Collecting, visualizing, and analyzing information is crucial for making well-informed decisions. One of the most helpful tools for this purpose is a dashboard—an interactive interface that displays various data visualizations and metrics. Dashboards provide an efficient, interactive way to understand complex data and make informed decisions quickly. As experts, we understand the importance of integrating dashboards into your web and mobile applications. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of building an interactive dashboard in that will help you make data-driven decisions for your MVP or production-ready app. is an incredibly versatile no-code platform that allows us to create dynamic and complex dashboards without the need for extensive coding knowledge. With the right combination of elements, plugins, and workflows, we can build a powerful dashboard that is customizable and easy for you to manage. Our expertise in Bubble development will ensure your dashboard is tailored specifically to your app's needs, allowing you to better understand your data and make informed decisions.

Planning and Designing Your Dashboard

Before diving into the technical aspects of building a dashboard in, it is essential first to plan and design the architecture of your dashboard layout. In this phase, consider your objectives, the key performance indicators (KPIs) you wish to track and the user experience (UX) of the dashboard.

Define Your Objectives

Start by understanding the purpose of your dashboard and what you aim to achieve with it. Establishing clear goals from the outset will help guide the selection of KPIs, elements, and data visualisations during the building process.

Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are the critical metrics that your dashboard will track to measure performance, inform decision-making, and provide visibility into various aspects of your app. When selecting KPIs, ensure they are relevant, measurable, and actionable. Also, consider segmenting your KPIs into categories, such as financial, marketing, or user engagement metrics, to maintain organisation in your dashboard.

Design a User-Friendly Interface

A well-designed, user-friendly interface is vital in creating an engaging and accessible dashboard. Keep the layout clean, easy to navigate, and consistent with your app's overall design. A simple yet powerful grouping of elements, colour-coding to represent various categories, and the clever use of whitespace can significantly improve the UX of your dashboard.

Choosing the Right Elements and Plugins offers various elements and plugins that, when combined effectively, can create a customisable and feature-rich dashboard. We will now explore the essential components and recommend plugins to enhance your dashboard's functionality.


Within the library, you will find a range of components that can be utilised to build your dashboard. Some core elements include:

  • Text: Display titles, KPIs, and other relevant information.
  • Group: Organise elements within a container to maintain a clean layout.
  • Input: Allow users to interact with the dashboard by providing input data.
  • Repeating Group: Display lists of similar data elements.
  • Shape: Add design elements like dividers or backgrounds to enhance aesthetics.

Plugins supports numerous plugins that significantly expand the capabilities of your dashboard. Below are some popular options:

  • Chart: Integrate with charting libraries such as Chart.js to display data visualisations.
  • Calendar: Easily visualise schedules, events, or tasks in a calendar format.
  • Google Maps: Display location data on an interactive map.
  • DataTables: Create extensive tables that support features like searching, sorting, and pagination.

Building Your Dashboard in

Now that you have planned your dashboard requirements and identified the elements and plugins to be used, we can move on to building the dashboard in

  • Organise Your Elements: Begin by arranging your elements according to your dashboard's layout design. Utilise Groups to keep sets of elements together and maintain an orderly, responsive layout.
  • Configure the Data: With your elements in place, configure each element's data source by linking them to your app's database. In, this can be achieved using the Dynamic Data feature and the visual Expression Builder.
  • Implement Workflows: Workflows are the logic behind your dashboard's interactivity. Establish the workflows that correspond to your chosen elements and plugins. For instance, create a workflow to refresh data visualisations when new data is entered, or to display an error message if incorrect input data is provided.
  • Test Your Dashboard: Thoroughly test every element and workflow in your dashboard, ensuring it functions correctly, aligns with your objectives and KPIs, and meets your users' expectations.

Data Visualisation Techniques

Data visualisation is a crucial aspect of a dashboard, enabling users to comprehend complex data quickly and efficiently. The following are some popular data visualisation formats to consider when designing your dashboard:

  • Charts: Display your data in bar, line, or pie charts to highlight trends, comparisons, or proportions.
  • Tables: Use tables to organise and present your data in a structured format, especially when dealing with a substantial amount of information.
  • Heatmaps: Visualise data in a grid format, using colours to represent values, which can help indicate patterns or correlations.
  • Maps: Leverage geographical data to display data points on an interactive map, elucidating spatial relationships.

Customising and Optimising Your Dashboard

Finally, take time to customise and optimise your dashboard, ensuring it is both visually appealing and high-performing. Here are a few tips to ensure your dashboard achieves these goals:

  • Use Custom Styles: Develop a cohesive design by defining consistent styles for elements such as text, buttons, and input fields, which saves time and provides a uniform user experience.
  • Make It Responsive: Ensure your dashboard is optimally displayed across different devices and screen sizes by leveraging's responsive design features.
  • Performance Optimisation: Monitor your dashboard's performance using's built-in debugging tools, and implement best practices like data caching, pagination, and scheduled data updates wherever possible.


Congratulations! By following this comprehensive guide, you have now become well-equipped to build interactive dashboards in that enable data-driven decision making for your MVP or production-ready app. As you continue to refine and improve your dashboard, you will unlock the full potential of your data, paving the way for well-informed decisions and enhanced application success. If you need further assistance in implementing robust, engaging dashboards, reach out to our team of Bubble developers at CreatorConcepts Limited  – we're here to help!

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