Feeling Alone With Your App?

If you feel lonely running your Bubble app, we can help. Get Email and Whatsapp support as well as 2 hours of development or coaching every month to keep your Bubble app running smoothly.

BubbleĀ Support Plan

We'll provide ongoing support and 2 hours of development time or coaching. Support is provided over email and Whatsapp in working hours, and coaching over recorded Zoom.

Just Ā£250/month

Cancel anytime. Billed Monthly. Excludes VAT.

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Jumpdesk - B2BĀ Services Marketplace

"Reece is truly a wonderful person and is not only helping you with building your app, but he also guides you through the entire application build process. I can recommend Reece."

Jack Eversdijk

Founder at Jumpdesk

Ready to start your project?

Submit your information by clicking the button below and I'll reach out to chat with you.

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